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Heavenly Father, Father of all,

I pray for the mostly unsaved community in which I live. There are so many who do not recognise Your Lordship in their lives and I bring them before You now.

I ask that You release Your Holy Spirit in my neighbourhood to work at bringing the unsaved to You.

If anything that I have done or said has turned my neighbours away from seeking You then I am truly sorry. If there is anything that I need to do to rectify those wrongs then make them known to me. I release my community into Your hands committing them to Your care.

Reveal Your character to my neighbours so that any distorted view that they may have built up of You will be knocked down and corrected. May they come to see the soundness of following You; the reasonableness of surrendering themselves to Your saving grace. Unfold in these homes the truth of the Gospel in a personal way that cannot be refuted. I pray that my neighbours will be drawn to Your Word to hear it or to read it for themselves and I pray for mercy for those who have heard some of your truths but have turned their hearts against them.

Teach me to love my neighbours as You do and I ask that You will give me opportunities to show neighbourly love to them both in word and deed. May they be encouraged to seek after You that they may receive comfort and strength to meet their deepest needs. I pray that You will bless my neighbours and that they will see that all good things come from You.

Encourage me to keep praying for them. Show me what to pray for. Bring my neighbours to a place where they want to choose a saving faith and then deepen that commitment to true and lasting discipleship.

I pray for these things in order that glory may be brought to You in this place. If I have any other ungodly motives in seeking those around me to be saved then expose them and forgive me.

I pray these things in the name of Jesus knowing that Jesus is the “yes” and the “Amen”. Thank you for your loving heart for these people.


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This article © Linda Faber 2006-2009.