Belt of Truth 

Wrapping our conversation with Truth





We want Truth to eject all that is not of God. Even those common falsehoods and traditionalisms which we have known as normal and always believed as right.

Jesus is the Truth

I want us to meditate on truth today.

The Bible tells us that “Jesus is the Truth”. If we have Jesus in our life we have no room for anything which is untrue. That doesn’t mean that we are without tact and love though!

Girded about

We are told, in Ephesians chapter 6 to wrap ourselves with truth like a military girdle which will protect us from attacks of the evil one. Whilst thinking about our topic of communication let’s think about what the military girdle protects in the body. The part of the body we are thinking about is from the waist to the top of the leg. What is in there? Predominantly the parts of our body which eject waste and the parts of the body which reproduce. So in our life what do we want Truth to do?

Eject, Eject, Eject!

We want Truth to eject all falsehood from our lives. We don’t want to live with Satan’s lies. We don’t want to speak his vile distortions and deceptions which bind and destroy. We want Truth. We want Truth to eject all that is not of God. Even those common falsehoods and traditionalisms which we have known as normal and always believed as right. God’s Truth and nothing short of it. What a tall order! But God’s Truth can do that. Let God’s Truth be girded about you in all you do and say. His light will show the darkness if we seek His truth.


We want Truth to protect all that reproduces in our lives. We don’t want hatred, lies, or anything else from Satan’s kingdom reproducing in our lives. We want the true life of Christ. God’s true Word reproducing in us. That means in our speech and communication also. We don’t want to repeat false ideas, falsehoods of life which the world builds its foundations on. No, we want Truth to be reproduced in us.

Speak truth

So as you go about today and in the coming days be girded with Truth. Speak truthfully (and lovingly) in all your conversations. Be aware of exaggeration or simplification. Confess your mistakes quickly. Maybe tighten your belt by a notch for a few days to remind yourself.

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This article © Linda Faber 2006-2009.