Covering our communication in prayer

Five prayers for different relationships

Praying over your communication with your husband



Gracious Father, 

I bring before you now the communications that I make with my husband. I seek to put you first in our relationship so that glory may come to you. Forgive me if there have been things that I have said and done which have been filled with anger and malice.

Your word says, “pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Therefore teach me to speak those pleasant words so that inner sweetness and health may prevail in our relationship.

Make me a good communicator with my husband. Cover our relationship with your light and truth. May he hear and understand what I mean as well as what I say in words. May my actions add to the communication in our relationship in a way that will bring life and vitality.

When we have closed doors on our hearts, inspire us to open them. When we have a difficult truth to share, help us each to temper it with love. Sometimes we are snappy and short tempered with each other—help us to season our words and not to speak in haste. When we face difficult times, help us to keep communication open.

Help us to communicate this day our love for each other in a manner that will effectively lift up, and give us the desire to be honest in our intimacy. Thank you for my husband. I invite you God to come and protect our marriage from misunderstanding and attack, and thank you for your constant presence with us.




Praying over your communication with your child/ren

Lord in heaven, 

I lift to you my relationship with my child/ren. I cannot be a good communicator with them without your wisdom. Many times I am less than patient and I say things in haste. Many times emotions get in the way of saying what I mean. Help me be a good example and teacher to my children so that they learn how to communicate well. If there is a problem with one of my children help us both to be dissatisfied with unresolved situations so that neither of us will close the door to communication. Help my child/ren to know that I love him/her/them. May my words and acts of loving-kindness be received with the love that I intend.

Where our opinions and wills differ, bring us together in your way of peace under the umbrella of Your will. Help me not to overstep my authority and trample upon my growing child/ren. May I grow to be mature in listening to the communications of my child/ren. Help us to communicate often in the small things so that when something big comes along we are not strangers. Keep the channels open between us I ask in Jesus name. 


Praying over your communication in any outside workplace

Lord God, 

Communication at work is a many layered thing as there are many different types of relationships. Guide me through the professional and personal relationships that I have. Help me to season my words with salt. To be clear when communicating requests and instructions both in the spoken and written form. Where there is potential for relationships to be damaged through miss communication I pray for protection. For my part, I choose not to take offence. Help me to be patient in my work place. Help me to listen effectively and to clearly show my understanding of what has been communicated to me. Give me your strength to guard my tongue against gossip and careless talk. Change my heart that I will not want to take an interest in such conversations. Let my words build others up and not tear down. 


Praying over your communication in your church relationships

Heavenly Father, 

the church is full of your people but many times we do not act like it. If there is any way that I have been a part of relationship break down, show me what I have done and what I need to do to make amends if it is not too late. If I have said hurtful things, open my heart to my actions and bring me to repentance. If I communicate anything which is unlovely or unloving, turn me from those ways. May my tongue communicate in your ways of unity and loving-kindness. May we encourage one another and where there are some difficult things which need communicating may our motives be pure and based in scripture. Your word tells us that we should love one-another so Lord I pray that you would help me love this group of brothers and sisters in the way that you do. Help me to communicate that love effectively in a way that will bring glory to You.

There is much business in the church and I ask that you will help us communicate clearly over the tasks that need to be undertaken. That there may be clarity in the discussion over decisions to be made. That the preaching and teaching and listening will be fruitful and that, for my part, I will do all I can to keep relationships in harmony through my words and deeds.


Praying over the communication of your witness

Lord God, 

I am commissioned to ‘go’ by Jesus and I am empowered by your Holy Spirit, but sometimes I am unable to communicate your love and your message. Help me to tell of Your saving power in my daily activities. Help me to show Your love as I meet with people. Help me to share Your compassion and to take out to the world Your justice. Help me to give of Your goodness. 

May those who need to hear of You, through me, be touched by the gifts and time I have to share with them, that their eyes may be opened to Your kingdom in new ways that they have never realised before. May they hear Your message and respond to Your call as I communicate about You to those I meet.


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This article © Linda Faber 2006-2009.